NateChrony Software Versions

NateChrony Software Versions

We always listen to our customers & continually improve our product, so from time to time we’ll release a new version of software. This will help to ensure that our product has all the features you need and remains the best and most affordable barrel mounted Chronograph on the market.

All versions of software are compatible with any NateChrony, to perform an upgrade you need to replace the main circuit board. You can find the version in lower right cornver.

4.0 - Testing

  • Added graphing page

3.8 - July 2024

  • Turned off voice when field mode selected


  • Voice fix for IOS/Pixel
  • Added future capability for displays
  • Internal optimisation

3.7 - July 2024

  • Added field mode


  • Improvements to calibration process
  • Improvements for voice readout on IOS

v3.6 - June 2024

  • Added sensor checks at startup
  • Added sensor checks during operation
  • Added sensor cleaning page
  • If zero speed error detected, 9998fps error shown

v3.5 Current Version - June 2024

  • Improvements to speed up calibration process

v3.4 - May 2024

  • Added remote software update capability

v3.3 - May 2024
WiFi Page:

  • Fixed redirect after setting Wi-Fi details

v3.2 - May 2024

  • Added calibration controls

Mini Page:

  • Added a mini shoot page, for devices with very limited real estate

v3.1 - May 2024

  • Improvement in power consumption
  • Added voice readout of current shot

Setup Page:

  • Configure voice to read the speed, power, both, or none

v3 - April 2024
Setup Page:

  • Description box now shows the current description


  • Accuracy and performance improvements

v2.1 - April 2024
Shoot Page:

  • Display a description field so you can name your session, great when printing results or screen capturing
  • Added the current date & time in lower right corner, great when printing results or screen capturing
  • The current shot result stays on screen until next shot, so no more shoot/wait delay

Setup Page:

  • Removed the shot delay timer
  • Configure the description field for the shoot page

v2 - April 2024
Shoot Page:

  • Added statistics to current & saved strings: Standard Deviation, Average, Spread
  • Added “clear last” to clear the last shot from the current shot string

Setup Page:

  • You can configure the pellet weight in grams, previously it was only in grains
  • Metric/Imperial setting is saved across reboots, so only needs to be set once


  • Added a decimal to mps readings for better resolution
  • A dirty front sensor is easier to detect
  • Faster boot if no Wi-Fi access point is configured, previously 5 seconds now <2 seconds
  • Various interface improvements: fonts, colours, making it easier to read

v1 - November 2023
Our first version of the NateChrony released

Last Updated: 2024-07-21 06:06:16 +1000 AEST